Delos has been growing! We’ve added some outstanding talent to our team, and we’re excited to highlight them individually in a series of posts. Today, we’re pleased to introduce Tom Pratt, Director of Marketing and Government Relations.

We met Tom at an Insurtech conference and he immediately recognized how beneficial our technology would be for communities like his. He saw that someone was finally solving the long standing and frustrating problem of poor wildfire modeling in insurance, after spending years personally experiencing the impact of this problem-- both as a professional and as a member of these communities. Tom is deeply experienced in insurance and passionate about civic engagement. The combination of the two has provided powerful value in his role at Delos. He’s sold billions of dollars worth of insurance throughout his career, and has also developed relationships with key decision makers in the state government. This includes the Insurance Commissioner, Cal Fire chiefs, and the California Tree Mortality Task Force Insurance Subgroup. Thus Delos was able to engage with these decision makers early, which dramatically impacted our progress, professional network, and company roadmap. Tom realized early on that Delos is not only helping individual homeowners in California, but also helping solve a political issue. In the aftermath unexpectedly devastating wildfires, many insurers have been pulling out of large regions of California, resulting in a crisis of insurance availability and affordability. The Insurance Commissioner’s office, county supervisors, and other regional politicians have been feeling enormous pressure to propose new regulations, but this could likely result in further retreat by insurers. Our solution, on the other hand, avoids the need for these kinds of new regulations: Delos alleviates consumers’ pain while also creating a market-driven avenue for insurers to continue offering coverage in these regions. Besides Tom having these great professional and political relationships and a deep knowledge of insurance marketing, he also has a huge heart. He loves building strong personal ties to his communities, and has served on several school district Boards of Education and on boards and commissions for a number of art organizations. We feel truly fortunate to have him on our team!
about delos
Delos is an insurtech Managing General Agent that writes property insurance for wildfire-exposed homes. Delos leverages new data and machine learning to create more accurate wildfire underwriting risk models, enabling Delos to offer competitive pricing in high-risk regions.
Delos also leverages their analytics into a real time risk mitigation service to re-envision the consumer experience and protect consumers’ homes.
For more information visit or follow @getdelos.