To report a claim, please contact your agent of record. Thank you!
It is the responsibility of all Delos claim employees and service providers to deliver on our company’s promise when it comes to claim handling. We will:
- Listen, be fair, be open, and carry out our part of the bargain under the contract in good faith.
- We’re here to offer relief, not declinations
- Explain all relevant coverages under the policy. Encourage policyholders to report all losses and avail themselves of all benefits under their coverages.
- Diligently investigate the relevant facts to determine if a claim is valid, reasonably evaluate the claim and act promptly in resolving the claim in accordance with the insurance policy and applicable law. If it is necessary to reject a claim for coverage or damages, it should be done courteously, with an explanation for the decision.
- Make an objective evaluation of the facts and circumstances supporting our policyholders’ claims. Doing so helps ensure our policyholders obtain all benefits available provided by the insurance policy.
- Give insureds a reasonable opportunity to comply with their responsibilities under the policy. If a claim is rejected, be willing to listen to subsequent input from the insured. Complete any necessary follow up in a timely fashion, giving due consideration to any additional findings.
- Communicate with and be responsive to inquiries from insureds and their attorneys by promptly answering letters and phone calls.